Northern California Fire Renovation
Our Clients: Greg and Christina share their touching story and how they, and their neighbors are rebuilding after the Tubbs fire.
By the time they heard the wail of a siren signaling help’s arrival in the dark of their fire-stricken neighborhood, Greg and Christina Wilson already had been through the worst.
Trapped at their home north of Santa Rosa by the wildfire that roared across the Mayacamas Mountains last fall, they took refuge in their swimming pool, surviving on gulps of toxic air that singed their lungs between repeated dunks they hoped would ward off burns.
They said their goodbyes, embracing in the frigid water as the Tubbs fire bore down.
They would emerge in the early hours of Oct. 9, severely injured, but alive — their tale of endurance now part of the tattered fabric of a Mark West Springs-area neighborhood striving to recover from the most destructive wildfire in state history.
The Wilsons were among a handful of residents on a dead-end street in the Michele Way Estates who were stranded in the early hours of the inferno after flames blocked their only exit.
The neighborhood on Santa Rosa’s northeastern outskirts was one of the first clusters of suburban homes overrun by the Tubbs fire, which began its deadly march in Sonoma County by mowing down ranch homes and rural estates higher up in the canyon of Mark West Creek, in Knights Valley and Mountain Home. Read on....
LRS...Architecture and Sonoma Pacific Homes team up to rebuild the Santa Rosa area after the Tubbs fire.
LRS...Architecture has been working with fire repair clients for over a decade in Northern California. After the Tubbs Fire, we partnered with our long term client, Sonoma Pacific Homes- a construction company local to Santa Rosa- to bring our knowledge and experience to the victims of the devastating fire. Together, we are helping families navigate insurance companies, redesign and update their homes, and rebuild their lives. It has been a true joy to help these families get resettled in the area they love in a home they love again. If you are in need of a team that can help you rebuild your lost home, please contact our offices today to get started.